These four RINOs could help Dems' impeach efforts

The impeachment Witch Hunt of President Trump continues on Capitol Hill tomorrow. Various media outlets are reporting that four Senate RINOs (Republicans in Name Only) could impact White House calls for a short trial. GOP Senators Lisa Murkowski (AK), Susan Collins (ME), Mitt Romney (UT) and Lamar Alexander (TN) could cast swing votes that help Democrats and harm our Commander-in-Chief.

With 53 Republicans, 45 Democrats and two Independents, it's not likely that 67 Senators -- as required by the Constitution -- will vote to convict the President. But only a simple majority of 51 Senators is needed to set some of the trial rules, including whether or not witnesses can be called.

If those four RINOs vote with Democrats, they could derail Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell's (R-KY) efforts to move the trial along quickly. Instead, Democrats might get their way and prolong the baseless and highly partisan impeachment-inquiry Witch Hunt against the President.


But as Sen. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) told FOX News last week, it's not the Senate's job "to expand the impeachment" by calling new witnesses. "It is our job to review what they have sent forward," she said. "The impeaching process took place in the House. If they wanted to call these witnesses, they could have called them."

The Senate should NOT do the work the House was supposed to do! Pelosi and her radical Democrat colleagues forced through what McConnell has called "the least thorough, most rushed, most unfair impeachment inquiry in history." Senate Republicans MUST say enough is enough, stand with Mr. Trump, and hold a trial based on the impeachment articles the House finally released last week! There's no reason for Senators to

Grassfire has done OUR homework and compiled a list of 16 Senate Republicans -- including Murkowski, Collins, Romney and Alexander -- who could "waffle" on impeachment. We've also identified three key Democrats who might vote AGAINST removing the President from office: Sens. Kyrsten Sinema (AZ), Doug Jones (AL) and Joe Manchin (WV).

Click here or on the banner below to call on Senators to stand with Mr. Trump and against the radical Democrats' impeachment Witch Hunt

+ + TAKE ACTION: Demand Senators Vote "NO!" On Impeachment!

House Republicans showed total unity in voting AGAINST the impeachment Witch Hunt against America's Commander-in-Chief. But that might not be the case in the Senate.

By faxing now, you can demand GOP Senators stay united to push back against the Democrats' impeachment Witch Hunt! Use Grassfire's unique FaxFire system to rush your personalized message to 16 Senate GOP "wafflers," three key Democrat Senators, your Representative, and your two Senators. That's up to 22 faxes for just $15! Go here.

Millions of Americans view impeachment as a blatant attempt by the Left to overthrow the 2016 election and stop President Trump's re-election in 2020. Like the House, the Senate MUST stay united and defend America's Commander-in-Chief from this ridiculous, baseless and partisan Witch Hunt.

Click here or on the banner below to stand with the President against impeachment. Fax your Representative, your Senators, 16 potential GOP "wafflers" and three key Democrats in the U.S. Senate for just $15

(Not a monthly member? Go here to send this fax at 80% discount.)
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Grassfire feels so strongly about the need for our team members to take action, that we've discounted the price on all three levels of the GOP Wafflers FaxFire by at least 30%. Utilize "Level 2" and send your personalized message to EVERY Republican Senator for $40 (33% discount). "Level 3" reaches the ENTIRE United States Senate for just $60 (40% discount)!

Act now to demand any weak-kneed, on-the-fence Republicans stand with our Commander-in-Chief! Also, call on three key Democrat Senators to vote against impeachment. Click here to fax now or to see a list of Senate targets.

Thanks, in advance, for taking action today.

For liberty and limited government,

The Grassfire Team

P.S. The Senate trial of President Trump continues tomorrow! Call on Senators to end this baseless, partisan Witch Hunt. Go here to fax key Senators now! Demand they "FIGHT THE COUP!" against America's Commander-in-Chief:

Click here to see a complete list of FaxFire targets and their contact information.

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