Gingrich: "Plot against president is real"

Over the weekend, FOX News published an alarming opinion piece by former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich. The title instantly grabbed our attention:

Plot against president is real -- And bigger than many think

Gingrich wrote:

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) and the Democrats' tunnel-vision focus on impeaching President Trump puts all of us, as Americans, at risk. ...

As this plot against Trump has continued, the American system has been bypassed, ignored, or misused to the point where it has been put in jeopardy. Democrats, political operatives, American intelligence officials and the media have been forcing a manufactured narrative on the American people. ...

Make no mistake: This is not politics as usual. It’s a concerted effort by one political party, the Washington bureaucracy, and the media to overrule the American people.

The former Speaker's words should send a chill down the spine of EVERY American, not just Donald Trump supporters. These prolonged attacks against our duly elected Commander-in-Chief is a thinly disguised coup with the goal of, as Gingrich wrote, "to overrule the American people."

Think about it: If the Democrats get their way, what's to stop the next minority party from turning impeachment into "politics as usual"? This coup attempt by Pelosi, Schiff, Sadler and other Democrats MUST END NOW! Go here to take immediate action.

As then-President Obama said to his critics in 2013, "You don't like a particular policy or a particular president? ... Go out there and win an election." Today's Democrats should heed his advice, since the next election is now less than a year away.


This morning at 10:00 a.m. ET on Capitol Hill, the House Judiciary Committee, led by Chairman Jerry Nadler (D-NY) will continue the impeachment-inquiry Witch Hunt against President Trump. And just like Rep. Adam Schiff's (D-CA) House Intelligence Committee hearings last month, this coup attempt is likely to produce ZERO evidence and NO first-hand testimony that the President committed bribery, extortion or requested a quid pro quo.

Don't expect that to stop radical Democrats, the D.C. Swamp, the Deep State, the "fake news" media and the Hollywood "elite" from letting up in their "War on Trump." That's why patriotic Americans who can see through these lies and deceptions MUST TAKE ACTION NOW!

On Monday, Grassfire updated our "I SAY NO ON IMPEACHMENT" FaxFire to include EVERY MEMBER OF THE HOUSE JUDICIARY COMMITTEE along with YOUR Representative, YOUR Senators AND key leaders in both the House and Senate! We want to see grassroots Americans, like you, rush 1,000 faxes to Congress before the end of today's hearing to PUSH BACK against Democrat attempts to unconstitutionally remove the President from office!

Click here or on the banner below now to immediately send your personalized "I SAY NO ON IMPEACHMENT" faxes to 17 key House Judiciary Committee members, as well as to your Representative and two Senators, for just $15:

(Not a monthly member? Go here to send this fax at 80% discount.)
(Having trouble accessing your benefits? Go here.)

The Democrats' impeachment investigation is a baseless, partisan Witch Hunt -- but the LEFTIST, ANTI-TRUMP MEDIA, without a shred of evidence and testimony to the contrary, continue pushing a ridiculous narrative that the President committed bribery and extortion. Tell Democrats that their plan to impeach Mr. Trump and overthrow the results of a free and fair election is an attempted coup that WON'T work. And Demand Republicans stand with our Commander-in-Chief! You can "FIGHT THE COUP!" by clicking here now.

Expand your impact with our "Level 2" faxes and reach ALL 41 MEMBERS OF THE HOUSE JUDICIARY COMMITTEE, your congressional delegation and key leaders in the House and Senate for only $35. A "Level 3" FaxFire is also available -- for less than $.55 per fax -- that will reach nearly 100 lawmakers on Capitol Hill! (To see a list of fax targets and their contact information, go here.)

Thanks, in advance, for taking a stand today.

For liberty and limited government,

The Grassfire Team

P.S. As one of the nation's largest networks of patriotic, grassroots conservatives, Grassfire wants to give you a voice in stopping the bogus, unfounded and destructive impeachment-inquiry Witch Hunt against President Trump. If you want to FIGHT THE COUP!, take action now! Grassfire launched an entire website last month dedicated to the national FIGHT THE COUP! effort. It contains breaking news and action items for the FIGHT THE COUP COALITION:

Go here to join the national coalition.

Go here if you represent a group or organization and want to join the coalition.

Go here for our Drudge-like listing of today's Latest News on impeachment. (Bookmark this page for easy access to our breaking-news updates.)

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Go here for the current list of GOP WAFFLERS who may side with Dems on impeachment.

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